Caveats in the Collections Service

Very seldom do users need to create a new collection with the API, but in the rare instances where this is necessary, there are a couple of differences that should be noted.


There is no need to create your own collection data class like with the record service, we helpfully provide one with all the features need to create a collection.


In this example we create the collection used in the usage example using Pocketbase Kotlin.

val client = PocketbaseClient({
     protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP
     host = "localhost"
     port = 8090

client.login {
     token = client.admins.authWithPassword("email","password").token
//Simply use the collection object and fill out the fields as needed
val collection = Collection(
    name = "people",
    type = Collection.CollectionType.BASE,
    schema = listOf(
            name = "name",
            type = SchemaField.SchemaFieldType.TEXT,
            required = true,
            name = "age",
            type = SchemaField.SchemaFieldType.NUMBER,
            required = true,
            options = SchemaField.SchemaOptions(
                //Some options such as min and max can different types
                //to fix this issue we serialise them as JsonPrimitives
                min = 0.toJsonPrimitive(),
                max = 150.toJsonPrimitive()
            name = "pet",
            type = SchemaField.SchemaFieldType.SELECT,
            required = false,
            options = SchemaField.SchemaOptions(
                values = listOf("Dog","Cat","Bird")
//The generic '<Collection>' encodes our collection to JSON based on the Collection class