
Pocketbase Kotlin is a multiplatform Kotlin SDK for Pocketbase designed to be used both client and server side.


Pocketbase Kotlin offers support for Pocketbase 0.20 and above. and above. Support for new Pocketbase releases will be added as soon as possible.

Currently, the following platforms are supported,

Supported Platforms
Linux (x64)
Windows (x64)
Mac OS (x64) (arm x64)
IOS (arm x64) (x64) (sim arm x64)

Want a platform supported? Open an issue, and we will try our best to add it.


Using this library requires the KotlinX Serialization plugin

To use Pocketbase Kotlin just add the following into your buildscript:

repositories {

dependencies {


The client

The PocketbaseClient is the class used to access the Pocketbase API.

//Creates a new pocketbase client with the given url 
// The client is used to access everything in the Pocketbase API 
val client = PocketbaseClient({ 
    protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP 
    host = "localhost" 
    port = 8090

//Logging in 
client.login { token = "TOKEN FROM AN AUTH METHOD" }

Logging in

Logging the client in allows it to call methods that require Pocketbase authentication. The current login token is saved and applied to every api request.

If you want to log the client out simply use client.logout()

 val client = PocketbaseClient({
    protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP
    host = "localhost"
    port = 8090
var loginToken: String
//Using the admin auth service to log in 
loginToken = client.admins.authWithPassword("email", "password").token

//Using the collection auth service to log in 
// This authenticates a user rather than an admin
//The user auth service is the same as collection auth, but it uses the "users" collection 
loginToken = client.records.authWithPassword<User>("collectionName", "email", "password").token
loginToken = client.records.authWithUsername<User>("collectionName", "username", "password").token
//You can also use oauth2
loginToken =
    client.records.authWithOauth2<User>("collectionName", "provider", "code", "codeVerifier", "redirectUrl").token

client.login { token = loginToken }

Calling the Pocketbase API

 val client = PocketbaseClient({
    protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP
    host = "localhost"
    port = 8090

client.login { token = client.users.authWithPassword("email","password").token }

//We are using this to hold records created in the collection "people".
//Each record has a name (required), age (required number) and a pet optional.
//If a value is optional in the collection's schema make sure the kotlin type is nullable and defaults to null.
//All record classes mst be @Serializable and extend Record.
data class PersonRecord(val name: String, val age: Int,val pet: String? = null): Record()

val recordToCreate = PersonRecord("Tim",4)
//Generics are used to define the return type of api calls, just make sure that the record class you created matches the collection's schema.
val response = client.records.create<PersonRecord>("people",Json.encodeToString(recordToCreate))
//You can now use the data from the response.
val collectionId = response.collectionId


All done! Now that you have a Pocketbase client set up and know how to log in, the rest is easy! Simply follow the Pocketbase Web API Docs and our internal KDocs to find your way around the Pocketbase API. There are a few exceptions for which features could not be made to match the other SDKs, for a guide on them go to our caveats page


This section is dedicated to informing users of the small quirks and irregularities between Pocketbase Kotlin and the official Pocketbase web API.

There is a document for each service and their irregularities and quirks.

Caveats in the Collections Service

Very seldom do users need to create a new collection with the API, but in the rare instances where this is necessary, there are a couple of differences that should be noted.


There is no need to create your own collection data class like with the record service, we helpfully provide one with all the features need to create a collection.


In this example we create the collection used in the usage example using Pocketbase Kotlin.

val client = PocketbaseClient({
     protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP
     host = "localhost"
     port = 8090

client.login {
     token = client.admins.authWithPassword("email","password").token
//Simply use the collection object and fill out the fields as needed
val collection = Collection(
    name = "people",
    type = Collection.CollectionType.BASE,
    schema = listOf(
            name = "name",
            type = SchemaField.SchemaFieldType.TEXT,
            required = true,
            name = "age",
            type = SchemaField.SchemaFieldType.NUMBER,
            required = true,
            options = SchemaField.SchemaOptions(
                //Some options such as min and max can different types
                //to fix this issue we serialise them as JsonPrimitives
                min = 0.toJsonPrimitive(),
                max = 150.toJsonPrimitive()
            name = "pet",
            type = SchemaField.SchemaFieldType.SELECT,
            required = false,
            options = SchemaField.SchemaOptions(
                values = listOf("Dog","Cat","Bird")
//The generic '<Collection>' encodes our collection to JSON based on the Collection class

Caveats in the Records Service

File uploading

Due to the fact that Pocketbase Kotlin is multiplatform, file uploads do not use the Java File class. There is a special utility class called FileUpload designed specifically for this task. Although there are some caveats to using file uploads, as the way we handle multipart form data prevents using serialised records. Meaning that we must use a key value map of Json elements.

val client = PocketbaseClient({
    protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP
    host = "localhost"
    port = 8090

client.login {
     token = client.users.authWithPassword("email","password").token

///Make sure that the field for your file is a string
//If you have multiple file uploads in your schema make it a list of strings 
data class FileUploadRecord(val imageFile: String, val imageDescription: String) : Record()

    //A workaround to the limitations on JSON with multipart form data
        "imageDescription" to "A house".toJsonPrimitive()
    //Here is where the files are uploaded from
    //Swap ByteArray(0) with the file's content as a ByteArray
        FileUpload("imageFile", ByteArray(0), "house.png")
val client = PocketbaseClient({ 
    protocol = URLProtocol.HTTP
    host = "localhost"
    port = 8090

client.login { 
    token = client.users.authWithPassword("email", "password").token

//For this example imagine we have two collections. One that contains users...
data class PersonRecord(val name: String) : User()

//And one that contains their pets
//Each Pet has a name (text), owner (relation), and each Person has a name (text) 
data class PetRecord(val owner: String,val name: String) : ExpandRecord<PersonRecord>()
//This example gets a list of pets, selects the first one and gets its owner 

val records = client.records.getList<PetRecord>("pets_collection",1,3, 
//This tells Pocketbase to expand the relation field of owner 
    expandRelations = ExpandRelations("owner"))

//This returns the expanded record with the field name of owner 
val owner: PersonRecord? = records.items[0].expand?.get("owner")